Charitable Organization

believe in your dreams charitable organization

Believe in your dreams

The owner of Fabulous Cleaning Services, Fabricia Rabelo, truly believes that we don’t need to have a lot in order to contribute a lot to the lives of those who are less fortunate than we are. She stated passionately: “one person can make a huge difference. You don’t need to have everything perfect in your life to start doing something meaningful”. Case in point, the charitable organization Ms. Rabelo started in Brazil a few years back.

Originally from Brazil, Ms. Rabelo saw first-hand how hard it can be for kids to grow up in economically depressed areas. At age 13, she worked at a day care facility where she watched over young children with very poor parents. Those children had not nothing in the ways of toys, but she made sure they received plenty of love from her while she worked at the day care.

Today, she is still very much involved in helping less fortunate kids around the world. She continues to care for children in Brazil from a distance in a very unusual way. Every year around Christmas time, Ms. Rabelo sends money she has saved throughout the year and sends the funds to her family in Brazil. In turn, her family uses 100% of the funds to purchase toys for kids in poor areas. To make the event even more special, her father dresses up as Santa Claus, loads a truck full of toys and head out to give out toys to hundred of less fortunate kids. The name of the charitable organization is called ” Believe in your dreams”, or  “Acredite nos seus sonhos in Portuguese”. It has been Ms. Rabelo’s dreams to make Christmas special for those kids. Today, through her personal donations and efforts, she and her family are able to play the role of a real Santa Clause for over 900 kids who need it so much. If you are interested in learning more about this charity and would like contribute, please call us or contact us via our website.

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